BIM Manager


Mike Taylor

Registered Architect


I graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in Architecture in 1991. I’ve designed and practiced Architecture in design firms since then. In 2006 I switched over to BIM Management and have been a full-time BIM Manager ever since.  That’s 15 years of Design, followed by 10 years of BIM Management, which is: managing BIM projects, training classes and individuals, guiding design teams, facilitating BIM kickoff meetings, collaborating with construction teams and consultants, teaching BIM/Revit Best Practices and building custom Revit content.

If you are looking for an experienced BIM Manager who has lived and breathed for years in this industry, knows how people and design teams work, and how to help your team in all things BIM… you have come to the right place.

Office Manager

Office Manager

Heather Taylor

I am the behind the scenes person. I take care of everything from Marketing to Billing to making sure Mike has all the coffee he needs! You will most likely interface with me with any billing question or comments. I also take care of this website, so if you see any typos or nonfunctioning links.. just let me know. 🙂